The North Carolina Global TransPark (GTP), a 2,500-acre industrial/airport site situated strategically in Eastern North Carolina, is heading into the next decade as a key engine for driving the economy of Eastern North Carolina. This can be achieved only when a world-class industrial and business park is capable of delivering transportation services by land, air and sea, including immediate access to air, rail, highway and convenient access to deep-water seaports.
The N.C. Global TransPark has a long association with air travel and continues to position itself as an outstanding point of origin and arrival for air freight of all types.
The Global TransPark has been the beneficiary of steadily improving roadways in Eastern North Carolina, including local, state and federal investment. That improvement will continue in the future.
Bringing rail transportation into the GTP has been part of the Master Plan for many years. Now, rail with direct access to NC ports is at hand. The GTP's new rail spur is in place and a short haul operator was established for it in 2015.
The N.C. Global TransPark is within 100 miles of North Carolina’s two deep-water ports, allowing the park to offer full transportation modality.
Foreign Trade Zone #214 is located at the NCGTP and offers individuals and businesses in a 22-county area the opportunity to import foreign goods into a duty-free zone. The N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) oversees FTZ #214. The FTZ program allows U.S.-based companies to defer, reduce or even eliminate customs duties on products admitted to the zone, providing important benefits to businesses and industries. Some of the benefits include:
In addition to the four-mode transportation system, the N.C. Global TransPark supports tenants and prospective tenants with complementary amenities, services and opportunities.