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Rural Foreign Direct Investment

Rural Foreign Direct Investment

Though foreign investment in rural areas of the United States is still a very small subset of all FDI entering the country, it still plays an important role in our economy, especially at the local level. The average investment value of a greenfield project in a non-metro area is $64.5 million, which is 89 percent higher than that of a metro area. The average number of jobs created is also higher in a non-metro area: 108 jobs created by project on average, compared to 86 in a metro area. In rural areas where the population is smaller than that of an urban area, the impact of the jobs created numbers is likely to be even more strongly felt. Since 2003, the total number of jobs created by FDI in non-metro areas has amounted to nearly 95,000. Just as global investment brings many benefits to local communities in the United States, FDI activity in both metro and non-metro areas greatly benefits international firms as well. Their participation in the U.S. market and their ties to the U.S. economy help these firms remain competitive on a global scale, a beneficial partnership for all.


Foreign Investment in the Rural United States
